Monday, July 13, 2009

Campaign 1, Week 4

This week our illustrious GM did not show. Our characters sat around the spaceport twiddling their thumbs with no objective. WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US?!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Campaign 1, Week 3

Our merry band sets off to board the Mon Calamari pilot Namurt's ship, the Ghostwalker, and make their way to the landing platform. Upon arriving at the spaceport, they discover that it has been detained due to a Mynock infestation! The exterminator, Giang Maudeeb, a Sullustan whose idea of pest control includes blasters and thermal detonators, decides to tag along with the group and see what kind of mischief he can get into.

Arriving at the landing pad, things start out well enough. Their forged documents and stolen Clone Trooper uniforms get them inside, but they soon discover that the landing platform is more heavily guarded than they had been led to believe. Things soon go from bad to worse - after killing a hapless Imperial technician and stowing his body, they soon discover there is a Sith Lord inspecting the platform! Xim nearly hands over a datapad containing incriminating evidence of their plans, but the rest of the party is able to stop him in time.

Unable to steal the platform by guile, the party must soon resort to force and a battle breaks out! Xim and the oversexed female from the cantina brandish lightsabers, unexpectedly revealing themselves to be Jedi! She quickly decapitates a clone trooper in one blow, traumatizing a nearby Imperial Technician.

All the commotion inevitably draws out the Sith Lord, who gives the party a run for their money, nearly killing several of the group. As the Sith Lord turns to flee, Namurt the stalwart Mon Cal strikes a final blow with his mastercraft wrench, sating his piscine bloodlust. The deathstroke, however, comes too late to prevent the Sith from alerting his master to what has happened...and to the presence of two Jedi.

Campaign 1, Week 2

This week we actually got to do some crap! Shane fell asleep or something so he didn't show up. Our adventure started in a seedy cantina wherein our adventurers banded together with the shared goal of escaping the newly locked down Coruscant. (See Below!)

After a mysterious stranger advises the party to seek out a crime lord who may have the contacts to get them off planet, they set out through a less-than-reputable part of town. Fearing trouble from a pair of nearby clone troopers, the party sneaks by while a comely lass from the cantina who is tagging along distracts them with her feminine wiles! Some time later, Xim Lockhart, Jedi Extraordinaire (shh, don't tell anyone, it's a secret!) is set upon by a ruffian looking to pickpocket him!

After a thorough interrogation, the thief offers to help them get off the planet. No one quite trusts him, and the offer is declined. Little do they realize he is a guard at the headquarters of the very crime lord they are en route to meet!! The crime lord agrees to assist them, but first they must earn her trust! They are given a mission to steal a landing platform from under Imperial control for her, and she dispatches her feel-copping guard to help as a sign of goodwill.

Brainstorming of a way to appropriate the landing platform while arousing as little suspicion as possible, the ladies of the group decide to backtrack and relieve the clone trooper patrol from earlier of their uniforms by arousing something else! Once the gentlemen are relieved of their gear, the rest of the party makes quick work of them! A first victory for our intrepid adventurers!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Campaign 1, Week 1

Yay! We didn't do anything!

Craig had an anxiety attack trying to handhold 6 special needs kids through character creation!

Cool pic of in-game combat for the day below: